Some days in the United States... Tour of Arizona : UNITED STATES

Carlo : north america : united states : arizona : antelope canyon, lake powell, colorado river, grand canyon, skywalk is an exciting traveller community of the world

Some days in the United States... Tour of Arizona

Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Skywalk

Strada sterrata per lo Skywalk
Strada sterrata per lo Skywalk
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Some days in the United States... Tour of Arizona

Località: Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Skywalk
Regione: Arizona
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Among the many trips that a camper dream is to cross the U.S. from coast to coast, the Caravan Club Italy, has organized and we are a member. It was a long time since we talked about it with friends, others, or alone with other organizations, there had been, but always in very limited locations: California, Nevada and Utah, no one knew that we had made the "coast to coast . Given the program, we noticed that was very broad, but limited in time, in a nutshell: you had to run, but you could do. After two meetings in Bologna, home of the club and one in Bergamo, where we had all the details and final costs, and you decide to go. The cost, inclusive (unfortunately not the case) was set at € 12,500. Twenty days before departure there was a balance in favor or against, the value of the dollar / euro and then this is not true. It 'was decided to make a cost equal to all for the camper even though they were of different sizes because not everyone could have the small ones, so it was chosen by lot. The maximum of the participants had to be 20 campers with two executives, would have made two groups, unfortunately one of them for health reasons had to give up, we were asked if we wanted to start with a single charge and we all agreed, however, the cost the second person had been charged and has not been repaid to the various participants. Many have requested a refund but there was no response.
To add more photos and make reading faster, I wanted to mention this trip is divided into states, each group in addition to related photos, there will be a diary of the days associated with that state.


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From Monument Valley, Utah to Page, Arizona km. 200

Departure 7.30 am
Quiet day today, a short trip of about 200 km and then stop to visit the Antelope Canyon, a program suggested by a participant outside the group.
The nature here is overcome with a surprising masterpiece of color. We are facing a beautiful sculpture in stone. Connoisseurs of photography here can bring in their own creative space. There are beams of light coming from and arriving in certain peak times of day, much to be enchanted, while all other moments, the play of vivid colors and deep exploration el'immersione total recall. The walk into the canyon is thrilling, the show is not lacking.
Therefore it had to pay 6 doll. per person for parking and 25 doll. Always head for driving a very nice lady and enterprising, as well as guide, we took the cameras of various types and qualities, and she was taking photos from places he knew, thus obtaining the perfect shot, but I tried to imitate I could not.
To reach this canyon brought us with exceptional off-road, had the suspension lifted and the larger wheels mounted to capacity, they looked like monsters.
Before entering the camping, the usual evening supply of gasoline and grocery shopping.
Tomorrow another birthday and consequently another cake, now I've spoiled.
Camp Lake Powell Campground Plpc - 36 54 N 59 W 111 27 36
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Lake Powell Campground Plpc

The appointment was set today at Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas. We can reach through the dizzying iron bridge over the dam. We and our fellow travelers we for the first time in front of the lake.
The construction of Glen Canyon Dam has blocked the path of the Colorado River, has changed the maps and giving life to Lake Powell has made available a wild desert region in the heart of the United States, inhabited only by the Navajo for centuries. The meeting with Lake Powell is impressive. The length of its sides (3500 km) exceeds that of the Pacific coast of the USA (3100 km). E 'surprising as the waters overflow of perch, trout, carp and giant banks are covered with sand lilies, lupins, Rhubarb Wild despite the typically arid zone might allow only growth to cacti. Surfing the Powell is an experience that alone is worth the trip.
After a few miles we slipped into a canyon. The sun enters perpendicular to peak in the cracks and stains the rocks of deep red and ocher. The last part requires careful navigation. The canyon is narrow and you risk bumping against the imposing walls. Finally moorings and ashore. The sun is high and makes it difficult to walk the half mile that separates us from the Rainbow Bridge a huge natural arch of stone in the heart of Glen Canyon Recreation Area, 88 meters high and 84 wide. But in the end, behind a rock, here appear in all its glory, so perfect as to seem artificial. Before him was left speechless. Amazement and admiration, imagining the same feelings that seized the natives and explorers of the century. We are delighted that this American experience has led us here. Not everyone is living it, we feel very fortunate. Retrace the same route up to our boat that continues its journey we landed at Dangling Rope Marina. It 's a place to rest mainly used by boats as refueling point.
In the fall piecemeal to the camp, many, including myself, are lost in the town of Page, unfortunately, the coordinates are wrong, they take us to the town center but not to the campsite, on the radio all launching SOS and the PL comes to pick us and like so many lost sheep returns us to the fold (see site) After dinner everyone gathered at the Caravan of Rosanna, to celebrate his birthday. A quick meeting for the program tomorrow and .... All to sleep.
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From Page to the Grand Canyon, Arizona km. 220

Few miles after leaving the No. 15 broke a tire, luckily one of the twins back, already controlled by a tire before, and also from me, but not broken, the PL shows a page from a tire that will append another camper he also tires at risk. After repair and control of two different replacement camper shell, using the stock of other campers, PL, rightly, includes all the workshop, given the tragic situation of the tires was better check them all, especially those of El Monte, also mine was not controlled well, then I will realize later that the left front corner had consumed up to the canvas, had broken the wheel travel, the consequences were very serious.
Let Lake Powell and head towards the Grand Canyon, including breathtaking scenery whose main theme is the infinite space and a succession of color to the limits of reality. Cameron pass and reach the viewpoint of Desert View, where is the Watchtower, the most beautiful creation of architect Mary E. J. Colter, a former teacher, to whom we owe several historic structures along the South Rim. The upper floors of the tower are decorated with murals by Hopi of the twentieth century. The show before us is unique. We believe that they are facing the best views of this huge break, a fantastic view overlooking the canyon in long hand.
Camping in the evening meeting PL explains an egregious error, we'd have to go raft the Colorado as planned, but the departure is from Page, the city that we left this morning, therefore, a bus will take us back to 220 km. we will make the trip on the river and the same bus will take us back to the campsite. We note that on that famous letter from the Hotelplan was written clearly indicating the start and it was pointless to come here then go back, 440 km facts at all. An inexplicable error. A sleep angry because some participants renounce trip and stopped at the campsite.
Camping Trailer Village - Grand Canyon - 03 10 N 36 W 112 06 44
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Trailer Village Camp – Grand Canyon

It 'very soon when we get on the bus to return to Page, here to change, we take a smaller and much closer, then we will understand why, to reach the small port at the foot of the dam, leaving the rafts, we get a gallery at the time used for the means for the construction of the dam, the driver, some very practical to have done the route several times, traveling in this gallery very close at breakneck speed by tapping the walls. Arrival opens in front and behind us, a great show, behind the dam bottom view seems much higher, the iron bridge we have traveled to go to Lake Powell, it seems very high and before we received from the Colorado the high banks of the Grand Canyon leaves us speechless. We sit on two rafts with a double float, have a gas engine that is not to pollute the environment. With us there is a very nice ranger.
It 'time to be transported by river water. We are moving along an unusual path that runs about three kilometers to about 25 km brings us to the discovery of one of the most picturesque river sensations are many. We read our guides on the history of sandstone cliffs, the blue-green waters, the abundant wildlife, exploration of Major John Wesley Powell and those of other adventurers, the role of the river system in the contemporary distribution of water and ' electricity for the southeast United States. We come soon next to a wall of sandstone have been carved many Indian petroglyphs, during this stop along the banks of the Colorado organizers kindly offered us a refrigerated bag with everything needed for a picnic.
We head sang the best-known songs and even the Italian national anthem and the American smile by our friendly ranger. We continue our journey on the river to the historic Lee's Ferry, which marks the end of our exciting journey today.
Along the way back, we stop at the Trading Post, one of the best gift shops in India. Needless to say, what did the women at this juncture With the same role and same place, the Indians were going to source a time, buying goods in exchange for their precious fabrics.
Before returning to camp the bus stopped in to view feature points once again, the spectacular Grand Canyon, shame that the bad weather there has been enjoying the full vision of this immense space.
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From Grand Canyon to Meadview, Arizona km. 358

We continue our journey, not before to admire once again the views of the Grand Canyon, latest pictures and go.
After the coffee break we leave the normal way and we built on historic Route 66, I was a little 'disappointed, having appeared in the film a very large and very long road, but close is never crowded and very little remained of the original. However I can say that he had traveled this famous street.
We arrive late afternoon at the junction for the Grand Canyon Sky Walk (N 36 00 44 - 113 48 42 W), we find that to get into this site there are 40 km of gravel road, where there was a bus the next day we would lead to, unfortunately our limited time and programmed not allow us to wait. We decide to go also, PL and others will go camping, the road was really ugly, many give up, we are only us and the camper No. 12 which houses the crew of No. 13, after 25 km of dust and holes have a nice surprise: the road is paved with quiet reach the goal.
We go to Eagle Point, where the entrance of the bridge "Skywalk", literally "walk in the sky", a horseshoe with the walls and glass floor overlooking the void or better, on four thousand feet of empty the Grand Canyon. This is a balcony glass suspended in the air thanks to the support of 450 tons of steel, built by the tribe of Indians "Hualapai" that allows you to experience the thrill of being in anything and see the great river, right there under your feet , amid the red rocks too old to two billion years. What to say? One is amazed, throat severed words. A strange trepidation takes us from the toes up to head back. As if we really missing the earth below us. The show is immeasurable. We hold our breath for a moment, then suddenly visible emotion pours from our eyes. We have never seen anything like that. We inform you about design of this ring. The weight of the Skywalk is comparable to that of four Boeing 757 and was placed in a vacuum using an elaborate system of pulleys withheld by four powerful tractors. Set within a container of cement, glass bridge was leaning against the wall and slowly raised until the back was fixed to the wall itself. We explain what this ring is safe glass that extends outside the vacuum for about 25 meters. Can support the weight of 72 jumbo, wind gusts up to 165 km. times, earthquakes of magnitude 8 on the Richter scale with epicenter at least 80 km away. It is hard to find a building as safe. All this I saw in a TV documentary. For this show we paid $ 140 per couple and unable to take photos from inside and from the balcony, if wanted, they made her and we paid $ 30 cd. We did not accept.
Rebuilt the 15 km asphalt road and 25 white, we join the rest of the group, who meanwhile is divided into two camps as the former was too small for all. It was the wedding anniversary of No. 3 and had prepared the usual cake, unfortunately we were in their first and second campsite, tired from the road made, I did have the cake but we have not attended the party.
Camping Meadview RD Park - 35 56 N 24 W 114 05 12.
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From Meadview, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada km. 180.

We arrive in Las Vegas in the morning to 11.00. The camp is located in the center of the city to get there, finally, we see roads and junctions that we had seen in movies, very intricate but clear signals. Fixed campers in this camp all paved, we prepare for our appointment with the guidance in the afternoon at 18. After lunch a deserved rest, we would have to find with PL for 16:30 to discuss a complaint to be sent to Italy and all'Hotelplan DC, we were just lying there when PL knocks and tells us that the meeting is anticipated, will the 15, we will know then that this shift was caused by a request from a group that wanted to visit the city on his behalf would anticipate the meeting to have more time to get this, they took account of people like us were already to rest in bed, of who was in the pool and who was leaving early to return at the scheduled time. PL has paid attention to one person without thinking about the various programs of others, this has created discontent in the group and especially Tina reacted in an unorthodox way with the person in question instead of apologizing for his behavior has charged with unspoken words that people had reported unreliable. After discussion it was passed to the compilation of letters: a list of failures by the agency, both for media assistance. Letter useless. In my opinion, the participants always had to do with the CC Italy, it was paid the sum of 12,500 euros and it would be any complaints, the Hotelplan enter into the alternative. PL probably wanted and asked for this letter to spring up on ... ... ...
Arriva bus and driving a nice lady who will accompany us in visiting the various hotels and casinos. Will lead us to intoxicate all that is fiction, entertainment, seduction game. Here the stars do not exist, the main star is she capable of illuminating the sky for days. He had imagined the gangster Bugsy Segal, when in 1964 he had opened the first casino. Las Vegas, Sin City, Sin City and the thousands of temptations, is the cathedral built in America in the midst of a desert, in honor of the god of money. Just a moment to get lost inside of it, one is stunned on the intensity of warm, wrapped from the spectacle of the big hotels on the Strip that, at twilight, shines like immense fun fair. Let's begin with The Venetian, a Venice artificial, where gondoliers singing Neapolitan melodies, progressing slowly through the channels. The sky is dominated by a beautiful moon, this time (most unique rare) genuine. The Eiffel Tower stands majestic up in Paris. On one side is the Mirage, the spectacle of the other pirates of Treasure Island, complete with cannon shots and actors who improvise struggles we have not seen it after hours. Soon after Caesar Palace dominates the scene, shining in all its aura of ancient Rome. Next, waves of water surface, as if by magic, from the lake at the Bellagio, dancing to the rhythm of classical music or jazz. In the background we see the castle of Excalibur filled with thousands of colors, with their red roofs and blue that seem marzipan. In the distance stands, however, the profile of the spectacular pyramid of Luxor with its sphinx at night seems almost phosphorescent, where supper at a self service, you pay before you enter and what you eat and what you want. A Downtown atmosphere is much less glamorous and tourism, if not along the Glitter Gulch with the Fremont Street Experience, which are projected video and installation of lights with special effects to an amazing spectacle. The sky above the heads is artificial: you run colors, images and flash at a mad pace.
Who is king in Las Vegas casinos are still with their roulette, one thousand slot machines, tables of poker, baccarat. Just along the Strip to hear everywhere the sound of coins that fall from the slot machines. People at the bar while drinking a drink, you are massaging the shoulders stiff for the continuous movement of the arm, after inserting a coin, pull the lever down and this must constantly always hoping to see a shower of coins to win. Inside the glass of the casinos are disguised to lose sense of time, are always the same, always identical both on the night, do not pass the light of the sun, an artificial and totally misleading. The trick is to make the gamer not notice the hours pass. We, too, wanted to experience the thrill of the game, but time was missing at the end we realized that we won because we had lost. Returning to camp, let the silence.
Camping Las Vegas Circus Koa - 08 31 N 36 W 115 09 57.
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The end

Many efforts and hard work for this trip we got emotions difficult to describe. Every day was unique, unmissable, extraordinary, thanks to the commitment and willingness of all our fellow adventurers. What we remember most? Hard to say. Every place of its kind, it was wonderful. This trip will be memorable. Our thoughts, in order, rushing to the charm of Niagara Falls, the gullies of the Badlands, the faces of presidents carved into the mountain, the magnificent Dewil Tower, Old Faithful and all the exciting dell'Yellowstone Park (although we have not seen Yogi Bear and Booboo), Monument Valley, and its delicate arches and its spire, the light filtered through Antelope Canyon Lake Powell with the legendary Glen Canyon Dam, the proud, the great, the beautiful, the breathtaking Grand Canyon, lights, sounds of Las Vegas to Badwater in Death Valley hot, very big and the very old General Sherman and the unexpected snowfall in Sequoia National Park, the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge and the skyline of San Francisco saw the romantic Sausalito, and finally, the great New York, its skyscrapers, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty (Distant View). There were many other things to tell that we have not included in this text. Others that we could say but who are in all the guidebooks. Still others, like the most intimate feelings and emotions. ... That can never describe but which will remain trapped forever in us. Now it is all over. It 's time to go home, review my friends, to continue our life forever, waiting for another wonderful trip to enjoy together.
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